miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013

Learning code,

Whay most schools don´t teach!!

This is a great video in order to promote a different learning at school more close to real employment in these days.

Famous innovators at Internet World like Bill Gates, creators of Valve, Facebook and other relevant companies represented, talk in this video about learning to programming in the early years at school.

A vey interesting reflection about school nowadays... What are the matters or subjects that teach how to think nowadays?

Which one is going to be the new education model for the children in the near future? Can we take the opportunity to change things?

1 comentario:

  1. Hello again edcMOOCers!

    Inquiring Minds Want To Know Your Blogging Backstory!

    Many of us in edcMOOC either blogged throughout the course, or used quad- blogging to connect with other edcMOOCers.

    Whether you were a new or experienced blogger, what role did blogging play in your overall edcMOOC experience?

    We want to hear your blogging backstory, and we need your help!
    It’s human!

    A few of us edc alum are writing a short paper about the role of blogging and quadblogging to foster organic peer to peer learning in a mooc.

    Would you please visit our most human survey, which takes a jiffy to complete, to share your invaluable information! Thanks in advance edc moocers for your help!
