miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013

# edcmooc, Find your metaphora,

Metaphoras are the story or the frame or the image we use to represent and transmit others our mental ideas about specific idea or concept.

Below is my metaphora and my artifact about the course: "e-learning and digital cultures"

View, 7 challenges 4 open learning model by Maria Barceló on Prezi.com
Happy zooming!


martes, 26 de febrero de 2013

Are we going to read classics and literature anymore? #edcmooc

Reflections and indeep knowledge...

Are we inmersed in a "I like" culture, with no reflection and a little knowledge impact? How can we afford from elearning perspective a more learning digital culture?

Is Google making us stupid?

We read different books and screens...

It is clear that users are not reading online in the  traditional sense; indeed there are signs that new forms of “reading” are emerging as users “power browse” horizontally through titles, contents pages and abstracts going for quick wins. It almost seems that they go online to avoid reading in the traditional sense.

Or brain is malleable and the media interact with our brain. This make us completely different the way we are going to capture ideas and knowledge from computer and tables. So the risk is to stay in a a superficial learning nature instead of adquiring indeep knowledge of the key matters.

domingo, 24 de febrero de 2013

Is human more digital than social? #edcmooc

Human nature, women nature, men nature... #edcmooc

There is a point of view in which the concept of "human nature" is related with the concept "human is made of...". therefore the traditional idea of the human nature essence is questioned by those who said that defining ‘the human’ we also marginalise and exclude from view other ways of thinking about who we are...

Post human in a digital culture like the one we are living in bring to us a new dylema about the humanistic problems of rationality, responsability, creativity and so on. If them can be held by an artificial intelligence what does "human" concept mean?

Technology evolution makes us making a lot of questions, but also are we who are guessing and creating new devices related with our dreams... like in this video. Human is digital but digitalization is linked to socialization.

lunes, 18 de febrero de 2013

How do learn gods and apes? #edcmooc

Gods learn and so do apes!

The planet of the apes was/is a really good film as represent the fight between the concept of human evolution and  the one about human supremacy.

In this film we can see how apes and humans and perhaps gods (like in Ancient Greek Mithology) learn in different ways in order to evolve: copying, understanding, imitating are the basic process for learning activities.

Nowadays, we use to asume that there are three key drivers for learning in a daily basis at work and at life:
  1. Learning by training: classes, lessons, lectures... 10%
  2. Learning by sharing: interacting, working together, team building... 20%
  3. Learning by experience: challenges, projects, solving problems... 70%

So, if experience is the most relevant driver for learning, (=70%) is it crucial for differenciate gods from apes?

What it means to be human? Are we closer to apes that to gods? Look at this fantastic video with a great sense of humor in which human is defined by the material of which is composed!!!
They're Made Out Of Meat - New York Film Academy (NYFA)


jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013

Harvard, the Learning Temple, #edcmooc

Harvard in January, 2012
Harvard & Coke: branding our present

Which Learning Temples, ie Harvard, will survive?

The authority of the teacher, the content, the concept, the pedagogy, the pupils interaction.... what matters?
There is something that is above: the brand. The learning brand! And that´s one of the reason that MOOC are having success, that behind this new way/model of learning are premium brands in the learning markets like Harvard, MIT or Berckeley.  This is one of the key attarctors of the mooc education system.

We need the past, the learning and ancient institution that gives the brand and the quality guarantee for the future learning activities.

Mi vission about the past and future of digital learning, surronded by bits we are in the middle of a changing learning process. Threfore we need some new models, like MOOCs themselves, that could solve the learning demand from the users: new channels, new process, new learning activities, new contents.

martes, 12 de febrero de 2013

Learning evolution, always digital #edcmooc

Images, the way we project our concerns in the present and in the future.

The Cave Art was also digital, don´t forget!

Studying digitalization from the Cave to the future, I´ve seen a fantastic video from my course in Digital Education, "Plurality", a quite interesting story about how technology is going to be use in the future to control our lives...

Plurality is a clear example of a dystopian vision in the way that technology facilitate 
people´s control over any other option to offer a better future world. Often, technology is seen in films and books in a very polarized way as a nice and fancy facilitator of a better world or as big brother controlling human beings... However, History demonstrates us that any progress brings new opportunities and new problems at the same time. It is not new, it is the history of human evolution...


domingo, 10 de febrero de 2013

Learning by seeing, teaching by figures, #edcmooc

Teaching by painting, teaching by images... it is not new! Listen to our forfathers...

How did people learn in the ancient world? 
Looking at the images! There were a lot of teaching! Just think on the paintings and sculptures of a Church in the Middle Ages....
People didn´t read but they listen to the priest and they watch the figures around them in the walls. They learn de Scriptures from all those pictures and images. The written word wasn´t as important as it becomes to be after, in the Gutenberg period of our History.

Can we say now that we are going back to the pre-Guttenberg period in which listen and wathing (now in video, multimedia and so) were the prior access fro learning?


domingo, 3 de febrero de 2013

Content and visualization, the challenge of digital content. #edcmooc

The content and the picture....
Chinesse Caligraphy! 
How to work in message and visualization at the same time... Not only for learning purposes but also for communication ones.

I'm now very sure that pictures, photographs and other visual icons are the most useful artifacts for learning... Try to reflect one idea on a page, just as a visualization of a concept or an idea representation, and that... is learning conceptualization!!

Chinesse caligraphy,
Japanisse Haikus,
claims in modern advertisements,

All of them are key in the way they transmit and reflect a concept or idea. And this is the main goal of this blog, a few words and one image in each post!

It is easy you remember better the image than the words... Hopefuly with an associated concept...maybe!
