martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

Is social business going to change our collabortaion patterns?

The way people, specially those named as digital natives, are going to be connected and to interact between them in the future is one of the  main keys for the next generation of corporate aplications.

Social business is just starting while Facebook is use decreasing. There are a lot of questions about all of this. For example, is social business coming to stay or is it just a gateway for new mobile and agnostic applications?

In these days we are just making a brief analysis abuou social media lessons learned and how this lessons must impact in the new social business and collaborative platforms we are now implementing.

Social Business

miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

From the "Alejandría Library" to Google

Gathering Human Knowledge is one of the main utopies in the History. The most famous initiative was at the Alejandría Library project but this is also a common topic in Literature, as in Borges short stories, and specially from Enlightment Age and Encyclopedic reasearchers

Hereby a trailer of a film based on Google,s intention of collecting and scanning as much paper books as possible. "Google and the World Brain", the story of Google 2002 ambitious project about creating a virtual library worldwide... Furthermore, a virtual brain!
12/02/2013 - Polarstarfilms

More information at...

El viejo sueño de abarcar la sistematización del conocimiento y la utopía de la "bibioteca total" ha sido uno de los tópicos de filósofos, políticos (la Biblioteca de Alejandría) y pensadores hasta llegar al magnífico e irónico cuento de José Luis Borges, La biblioteca de Babel. Ahora, sin embargo, y adaptado al mundo internetizado en el que vivimos, aparece un genial documental, que se presentó en el Festival de SunDance también en Documenta, en Madrid, hace unas semanas.

The film raises some of the dilemmas about the possibility of encompass human knowledge in a simple way to transmit... Google and the world brain, trailer