martes, 26 de febrero de 2013

Are we going to read classics and literature anymore? #edcmooc

Reflections and indeep knowledge...

Are we inmersed in a "I like" culture, with no reflection and a little knowledge impact? How can we afford from elearning perspective a more learning digital culture?

Is Google making us stupid?

We read different books and screens...

It is clear that users are not reading online in the  traditional sense; indeed there are signs that new forms of “reading” are emerging as users “power browse” horizontally through titles, contents pages and abstracts going for quick wins. It almost seems that they go online to avoid reading in the traditional sense.

Or brain is malleable and the media interact with our brain. This make us completely different the way we are going to capture ideas and knowledge from computer and tables. So the risk is to stay in a a superficial learning nature instead of adquiring indeep knowledge of the key matters.

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