jueves, 31 de enero de 2013

Is education really changing due to technology? #edcmooc

Is education the ONLY ONE explanation for the educational change we are living?

Often we use to put "the blaim" on technology... but it is not only technology, is also about human evolution and how new issues interact with human being. Obviously technology is more than a simple tool, is a change driver  of a new society. However, in this change also influences the emancipation of women or ecology revolution, both of them are the silent revolutions of the end of the XX century.

And the most important is the coexistence between the digital and the real life, learning and connecting ways of interacting in our society. We still play chess... in the public square,  on the
Network or on the iPad...

Some reflections about the readings and the  materials in week one from my Digital Education course.

miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013

Is out there a digital learning utopy?

Human is always learning on a daily basis, by copying what are others doing, by working it self... Now that we have a technology based society...  Is technology part of our learning utopy?

Technology is more than a channel or a facilitator in our L&D approach, technology is part of the new learning model and is interacting with the model. Web based appllications are changing the way we learn, we are defining the learning of the future.

Learning and a little bit of reflexion about Digital learning: utopias and dystopias in Coursera: E-Learning and Digital Education. Below is a video  from the course, Inbox- Short film in which you can see a nice parody about connections between people, barriers and limitations...


lunes, 28 de enero de 2013

The learning of the future

Internet and Social Media are changing the way we do business, the way we do relationships and ... the way we learn from the others and from the world.
What are young people doing when they want to learn or to know more about anythng? The search at Google, the look in Wikipedia, they ask in Forums, Chats and they ask their friends in Facebook, Tuenti, or similars at local levels.

Therefore, we need to learn about the learning of the future: methods, contents, supporting IT and other artifacts that are moving the L&D industry.

I´am know just starting a coursera module called e-learning and digital cultures!

...exploring the connections between education, learning and digital cultures.


lunes, 21 de enero de 2013

Why I´m teki?

 It is is not easy to explain how technology comes to my life but I´ll try...

As I was starting my worklife in the early 90 technology issues weren´t the core business. However, the explosion of Internet first came to Spain multinationals and after it spreads all over other sectors and insdutries and eventually to all activities. In a few years, Internet was there and we have to embedded the web in our work processes.

I used to work (and I´m still doing it) as an information professional providing support to different content based activities focused on marketing, communication, knowledge management, L&D and other web initiatives
Therefore, Technology and Internet are part of my job profile!
